
Joined Date : May 7, 2008

gladz H. reyes


Bday : September 8, 1991




Status :

*Im gLadz and im interested with someone who is funny , and matured people.. *iM fRiEnDLY!.. *Im SiMpLE WoMAn wId sIMpLE LiFe. *GoD fEaRiNg... *I lOVe My fAmILy AnD fRIeNDs sO MuCh.. *I lOVe tHEM FoR aCCePtING Me fOr WhO I aM... *I LOvE dEM FoR GuIdInG Me By bEINg WiD Me ALL tHe tIMe.. *I lOVE mUsIc... *I lOvE fOoDs (Hmmm..yUMmY) *I lOVe ClOtHeS... *I LoVe tO sHoP... *Im a tYPE Of PeRSoN ThAt yOU cAn tRusT.. *i AlSo HaVe DaT sTronG pErSonaLiTy.. *SomE PeOplE sAy dAt iM adoRabLe bUt AcTually I am! *They sAy dAT iM nICe To BE wID.. I aGreE!.. *tHEy SAY IM jOLLy.. pReCIsELy!.. *ThEY sAY im pRoFiCiENt.. *dEY sAy Im TaLeNtED.. *DeY im Gorgeous hmmm.. that\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s true!..hehehhe peace out! xoxo!..hehhe

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